The French region of Poitou, renowned for its goat cheese, is considered the birthplace of Sainte-Maure-de-Touraine cheese.
French goat cheese presents an intriguing mélange of history, traditions, and French passion, bien sûr. In France, making goat cheese is an extremely delicate process, which some might even consider affectionate.
The cheese is so fragile that farmers must run a thin straw through the center to preserve its shape. The straw also contains information about the manufacturer and date of production.
The cheese is covered with a crust of natural blue mold and a chalk-like composition. Sainte-Maure-de-Touraine is fresh and a little sweet, with slight acidic tones and a nutty aroma.
The cheese pairs well with a soft buckwheat baguette.
For a gourmet soirée, we would recommend white semi-sweet ALQUIMIA Crystal Muscat 2011 wine, which perfectly highlights the flavor of the goat cheese. The wine is full-bodied, with a creamy flavor of almond and bitter peach kernels. A lingering sensation of florals and dried fruit converge to produce a refreshing acidity.